Cultivating Community

2021 Child Abuse Prevention Conference Presenter Resources

Thank you for joining the 2021 Child Abuse Prevention Conference! Speakers who have shared their presentations and resources are listed below.

Opening Keynote: Jennifer Jones

Closing Keynote: Liz Nead

Alan Heisterkamp – Utilizing the Bystander Approach to Communities in Motion

Alyssa Caldbeck – Principals of Infant Mental Health

Ana Clymer – Courageous Cultivation in Racial Equity

Anne Peters – Emotional Regulation for Caregivers

Breanne Ward – Mindfulness Doesn’t Have to be a Chore

Brenda Jenkins – Getting to Calm Using Trauma Sensitive Strategies

Carol Muleta – Do You Hear Me? Staying Connected Through the Chaos

Damien Chance – Understanding Reflective Practice and Brain States

Diane Dornburg – Family Law Basics & the Iowa Center for Children’s Justice

Jean Sullivan – Building Resilience through Mindfulness

Jordan Mix – Being LGBTQ During a Pandemic: The Ins and Outs of Finding Community while Social Distancing

Kayla Powell & Doug Wolfe – The State of Older Youth in Iowa’s Foster Care System

KellyMarie Meek – Supporting Families Through Prevention

Kimberly Kolakowski, Jenny Sharrick, Cristen White – Launching a Mobile Wellness Unit in Response to Community Need

Lydia Bowers – Teaching Empathy and Consent as Abuse Prevention

Mary Ann McLeod – Multi-Generational Work Environments: How Do I Fit In?

Melissa Vine – Mental Health in a Pandemic: Replacing Threats with Security

Dr. Michael Fleming – Engaging Fathers: Understanding Challenges, Opportunities, and Struggles

Natalie Towns, Deborah Chosewood, Alan Williams – Social Norms Project

Rick Kozin – We Have a Coalition, Now What?

Sonci Kingery & Josh Opperman – Iowa Sex Crimes

Susan Martin – Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma, and Self-Care

Tiffany Conroy – The Cost of Caring: Recognizing and Responding to Fatigue of being a Helping Professional

Yolanda Harden – Human Trafficking: Are You READY to Respond?