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April showers bring May flowers. I used to love that saying growing up because springtime meant the blossoming of flowers and the promise of warmer days ahead. Springtime also meant the start of baseball season.
Baseball is a cherished tradition at my house. Baseball fills me with indescribable joy and a touch of frustration as every year I try to teach my family how to properly fill out a scorecard. Going to baseball games transports me to a place where time slows down and I am surrounded by my family where I feel safe, supported, and loved.
Unfortunately, not all families are safe places. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. A time to bring awareness about the critical issues of child abuse. It’s a sobering reminder that not all children have the opportunity to experience the joys of spring in a safe and nurturing environment. By highlighting this important issue, every Iowan can work together to protect the most vulnerable members of our society and ensure that every child has the chance to thrive.
During Child Abuse Prevention Month, communities are doing just that. They are coming together to host educational workshops, fundraising events, KidsFest, sign proclamations, and numerous other activities to make a difference in the lives of children and families.
As I celebrate the arrival of spring and the return of baseball, I will also take a moment to reflect on the importance of protecting children. I hope we can all embrace the season ahead with open hearts and a renewed commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of our children.
Dreaming of fresh peanuts,