Advocacy - Prevent Child Abuse Iowa


For all Iowa’s children to succeed, they need advocates fighting on their behalf. Since 1974 Prevent Child Abuse Iowa has been advocating on behalf of Iowa children and families, supporting common-sense legislation at the state and federal level. 

PCA Iowa has a statewide network of experts committed to a stronger, healthier Iowa. Our agenda is detailed, feasible and makes Iowa a better place to raise children. 

Our work engages a broad coalition of stakeholders including local child abuse prevention councils, prevention providers and strategic partners aligned with our mission. 

Effective policies, appropriate funding and community awareness of child abuse prevention increases the likelihood a child will grow up in a safe and healthy community. 

The fight to prevent child abuse is never over. PCA Iowa will continue to advocate for laws and policy to better protect children and families. Our initiatives may change but our goal is always the same: a safer Iowa. 

Recently, Our Advocacy Initiatives Led to

  • 400,000

    mandatory reporters in Iowa having a consistent, comprehensive system to educate and train in identifying and reporting concerns of child wellbeing.

  • 40

    for 5-year renewal of federal funding for parent education programs

  • 1

    1 hour of training required for all Iowa teachers to learn about trauma informed practices to support students.

Legislative Priorities: 2023

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention

Enact legislation that would require schools to implement sexual abuse prevention practices.

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Strengthening Families

Ensure funding support for programs that strengthen families and increase protective factors against child abuse and neglect.

Learn More

How to Be an Advocate:

  • Make a Donation

    Support our mission through a financial contribution. Help make a child, family, school or community stronger.

  • Contact a Legislator

    Our representatives are elected to listen to us. Let yours know that strengthening our community against child abuse is important to you.

    Reach Out
  • Learn About Prevention

    Effective prevention is a community effort. Educate yourself on ways to help recognize abuse and ways to prevent it.

    Attend A Training