Call for Speakers: 2021 Child Abuse Prevention Conference - Prevent Child Abuse Iowa

Call for Speakers: 2021 Child Abuse Prevention Conference

As we close out 2020 and look to a new year, make sure to mark your calendars for the 2021 Child Abuse Prevention Conference on May 3-4, 2021. With much consideration for the safety of our community, this year’s conference will be delivered virtually but will still serve to facilitate opportunities for participants to network, share, and learn.

The 2021 conference theme is “Cultivating Community”. Amid these uncertain and challenging times, we know it takes a concerted effort to build community connections that support families and build community resilience.

Call for Speakers

To support the theme, we are interested in a wide scope of topics associated with home visiting, strengthening families, preventing child maltreatment, trauma informed practices, children and family mental health, self-care, resiliency, community building, human trafficking and adolescent pregnancy prevention for workshop sessions 60 minutes in length.

Submissions for consideration are invited from qualified organizations and individuals from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Submit your proposal.

Submissions are due by Friday, January 22 at 5:00 p.m.