Child Abuse Prevention Month 2019 - Prevent Child Abuse Iowa

Child Abuse Prevention Month 2019

April is national Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month. This event raises awareness of the role that caring connections play in strengthening communities. Each year, PCA Iowa encourages local community groups to generate public attention to raise people’s awareness of the campaign.

Help us celebrate the importance of social connections and join our work to strengthen social well-being—a key indicator of overall health, and an essential factor in preventing child abuse and neglect.

Download Awareness Month Resources

PCA America has developed an awareness toolkit with the theme “Do More of What You Love to Create #GreatChildhoods.” The toolkit guide and campaign content can be downloaded on their website.

Please note that all materials must retain the PCA America or PCA Iowa logo, and any campaign components shared with or used by a local partner must be attributed back to PCA America or PCA Iowa.

Download Local Resources

PCA Iowa has also developed a messaging campaign related to children’s mental health and its connection to social, emotional, and cognitive development; and how it leads to healthy, productive communities.

Use the link below to visit our resources page, where you’ll find content that can be used throughout Child Abuse Prevention Month 2019, including social media content and print media (bookmarks and postcards) that can be distributed throughout your community.

View resources.

This content has been prepared by PCA Iowa to assist you with planning and public awareness efforts this April. For questions, send a message to