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Statewide child abuse prevention organization seeks county recognition of April as Child Abuse Prevention Month from river to river
Des Moines, IA – Prevent Child Abuse Iowa (PCA Iowa) has set an audacious goal for Child Abuse Prevention Month in April—a proclamation from county supervisors or local leaders in all 99 counties across the state.
In 2021, PCA Iowa received a Child Abuse Prevention Month (CAP Month) proclamation from Governor Reynolds. This announcement proclaims that “every child can have a great childhood by making sure each family has the support and education they need in raising their children in safe, nurturing environments.”
For 2022, the goal is 99 times bigger.
While PCA Iowa is a statewide organization, their most important relationships are at the county level. Each county in Iowa has a Prevention Council of dedicated volunteers working for safe and happy childhoods through family supports, healthy relationships, and education. Child abuse prevention is a community effort—protecting children is everyone’s business.
PCA Iowa supports the work of these councils through training and education, funding, outreach, and resources. Councils provide early childhood home visiting, parent education, sexual abuse prevention education, youth development, and community and engagement efforts tailored to the needs of children and families in the area. These projects are funded by the Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program, a Department of Human Services program supported by state and federal dollars.
Iowa communities participate in CAP Month through a variety of events and activities. These include Wear Blue Day, Planting Pinwheels for Prevention, blue lighting in public spaces, and a variety of awareness and community-building activities.
CAP Month events increase awareness of local prevention efforts and provide opportunities for community connection. The Covid-19 pandemic has shown the importance of social supports for children and families. A county proclamation recognizing CAP Month demonstrates that the community values prevention and prioritizes safe and happy childhoods.
Each of Iowa’s 99 counties is unique, but all communities share a common goal of protecting and nurturing the next generation. An official proclamation of CAP Month in all 99 counties affirms what Iowans already know—Iowa is a state that values its children.
To learn about the CAP Month plans in your community, and to receive details about the proclamation signing, contact your local prevention council or Board of Supervisors. To learn which communities have already signed on to the 99-county CAP Month project, visit our Proclamation Tracker.
Since 1975, Prevent Child Abuse Iowa has served its mission of leading child abuse prevention efforts in Iowa through advocacy, awareness and assistance. It is the only statewide organization dedicated to preventing child abuse and the only voice exclusively dedicated to child abuse prevention during the state legislative session. Prevent Child Abuse Iowa manages state and federal grant programs, which contribute financial support to community groups that provide services to families. Prevent Child Abuse Iowa is based in Des Moines, but has partnerships in every county throughout Iowa. It is an affiliate of Prevent Child Abuse America. For more information, call (515) 244-2200 or visit