Grantees - Prevent Child Abuse Iowa


Prevent Child Abuse Iowa serves as an administrator of funding from the Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS) to organizations providing essential services across the state. Between the Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program (ICAPP) and the Community Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (CAPP) Program, more than $3 million in DHS grant money is distributed to local community groups every year.

By supporting the missions of these partner organizations, PCA Iowa strengthens communities to build protective factors that prevent abuse and neglect.

Learn more about the goals and programs supported through ICAPP and CAPP below.


  • Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program

    The Iowa Child Abuse Prevent Program (ICAPP) provides grants to organizations that prevent child abuse through community development, parent development, crisis care services, home visitations and sexual abuse prevention.

    Program Overview
  • Community Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention

    Community Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (CAPP) is a holistic program that provides evidence-based programs to at-risk youth to address health disparities and promote adolescents’ sexual health.

    Program Overview