Meet Sharon Miller, Our New Executive Director - Prevent Child Abuse Iowa

Meet Sharon Miller, Our New Executive Director

Press Releases
Sharon and her son Jaret at the Big 12 Women’s Basketball Tournament

Prevent Child Abuse Iowa is excited to welcome Sharon Miller as our new Executive Director. Sharon earned her bachelor’s degree in Community Health Education and a Master of Family and Consumer Sciences with an emphasis on Child Development from Iowa State University. Sharon is a leader in public health and has received Fellow Status from the American School Health Association in 2014 and was awarded the Distinguished Service Award in 2020. Sharon was previously the Director of Programs for Iowa Public Health Association and has experience and contacts across the state of Iowa.

Q: What should people know about you?

A: “I’ve been married for 30+ years and have two grown children. I spend a lot of time in Ames watching Cyclone football and women’s basketball in my spare time. I love to walk my 12 year old lab/retriever mix and play piano.”

Q: Why Prevent Child Abuse Iowa?

A: “This is returning to my roots. My master’s degree was in Child Development and Prevent Child Abuse Iowa understands the importance of empowering parents and caregivers, families, and their communities to work together to keep children safe and thriving.”

Q: What do you think about kids?

A: “I love kids―kids are great. They’re genuinely loving, and caring, and curious, which helps the people around them grow. They bring joy and we need to advocate for their safety. They’re also not afraid to tell you what they think, and that authenticity should be respected and celebrated and protected.”