About - Prevent Child Abuse Iowa


Prevent Child Abuse Iowa, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, works tirelessly to create a world where children don’t know fear, don’t experience neglect and never encounter abuse. Most efforts involve treating children and families after abuse has already occurred. However, we focus on prevention, which research proves is a far more effective use of resources to help children reach their full potential as adults.

Prevent Child Abuse Iowa fulfills its mission by leading child abuse prevention efforts in Iowa through:

  • Advocacy – advancing the cause of child abuse prevention among legislators, administrators and professionals.
  • Awareness – informing the public about the effects of child abuse and methods to prevent it.
  • Assistance – offering organizational development, program guidance and grant management to local partners.

Child abuse is preventable. Prevent Child Abuse Iowa recognizes it will take Iowans working together to ensure children are raised in safe, nurturing environments. That’s why we proudly lead and inspire others to create a state free from child abuse.

The History of Prevent Child Abuse Iowa

Since 1975, Prevent Child Abuse Iowa has been leading child abuse prevention efforts in Iowa, inspiring change and making our state safer for those who need it. Starting in a time when child abuse was not widely recognized or addressed, we have made, with the support of many partners, huge strides in creating safe, nurturing environments for Iowa’s children.

We continue to work towards a future in which child abuse is a part of the past.

Explore Our History

Our Staff

These are the people working towards a state free from child abuse

Sharon Miller

Executive Director

Kyle Conway

Director of Program Development

Kyndra Johnson

Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program Director

Our Board

Prevent Child Abuse Iowa is driven and led by a passionate, engaged Board of Directors.

Nate Johnson


Amber Zylstra

Vice President

Galen Howsare



Join a team that does so much for Iowa’s children.

Make A Difference


  • What should I do if I suspect child abuse?

    Call the Department of Human Services (DHS) at 1.800.362.2178 to report abuse.

    You don’t have to wait for abuse to occur to involve DHS. They put families in contact with the necessary local parent support services. Callers may remain anonymous.

  • How do I locate parent support services in my area?

    Simply call 211 to learn what resources are available in your area of the state.

  • What services are available to prevent abuse?

    Parent Education and Outreach services offer group-based and in-home parent education that teaches age-based expectations of children, so parents can better identify typical behaviors and techniques to handle challenges.

    Sexual Abuse Prevention educates parents, community members and youth about sexual abuse and how to prevent it.

    For more information, visit the Prevention section of our website.

  • What can I do to prevent child abuse?

    Offer a neighbor, friend or family member a break from parenting. Sometimes even a short period away is all a parent needs to be refreshed, engaged and patient.

    Become a caring, trusted adult in a young person’s life. Being able to take problems to an adult can make all the difference for youth.

    Use the services in your community, which educate parents about age-appropriate expectations for children and provide positive parenting tips. Many services offer an opportunity to share parenting experiences with other parents and learn from one another.

    Participate on a board of a local organization which works to prevent child abuse in your local community, or join Prevent Child Abuse Iowa’s board.

    Contact your local legislator(s) to ensure they support child abuse prevention funding and policies to make children safer in your community and in our state.

  • How can I volunteer to help PCA Iowa?

    You can fill out the volunteer form on the take action page.

  • How do I become a board or committee member?

    We ask that you fill out the volunteer form on our take action page, and indicate your interest in the ‘volunteer opportunities’ section.

    For more information, visit the Get Involved section of our website.

    To support Prevent Child Abuse Iowa, you can make an electronic donation from our website, or mail a check to:

    Prevent Child Abuse Iowa

    501 SW 7th St., Suite G

    Des Moines, IA 50309